Keeping Democracy in the Hands of the People
About our League
President: Gene Chintala
Communications: Bonnie Boroff
Director Program: Teresa Nibblett
Membership: Nancy Rubenstein
VP & Treasurer: Karen Miller
Secretary: Rita Bennett
Directors: Ann Kovalevsky, Mary Lewis, Kade Rowe
Our Services
The League of Women Voters operates on three levels: national, state, and local. The LWV of Tiffin Area provides free and open access to information, educating the public about the issues of the day and the political process. LWV services include:
• Sponsoring Candidates Night
• Holding open forums on
important issues
• Registering Seneca County residents to vote
• Providing the nonpartisan, unbiased Voter Guide to the community
Our Challenge
The League of Women Voters believes that an informed public is essential to good government. However, it’s not easy for individual citizens to sort out the sound-bite journalism, attack ads, media consultants, and special interest groups that sometimes seem to be the only voices discussing important issues. The League researches issues independently and provides nonpartisan, unbiased information to voters, so voters in turn can play an active role in solid, issue- oriented politics, whether at the local, state, or national level.